*** WooCommerce PDF Vouchers Changelog *** = Version 4.9.4 (2024-07-18) = * [*] Security Enhancement: Addressed a security vulnerability. = Version 4.9.3 (2024-07-12) = * [*] Fix: Addressed the fatal error issue during CSV export. * [*] Fix: Resolved the problem with multi-click redemption. * [+] New: Introduced a new input field type selection (text and button & text) at the product level for the "Pay Your Price" feature. = Version 4.9.2 (2024-07-03) = * [+] New: Added feature to manage recipient fields per variation. = Version 4.9.1 (2024-07-02) = * [*] Fix: Improved licensing code. = Version 4.9.0 (2024-06-20) = * [+] New: Added multiple check voucher code feature. * [+] New: Added option to hide buyer and order information for vendor users. * [*] Fix: Fixed advance CSV export after filter. = Version 4.8.3 (2024-06-18) = * [*] Fix: Fixed some issues with pay your price feature. = Version 4.8.2 (2024-06-10) = * [+] New: Removed Third party plugin combability and added feature in our plugin itself "Pay Your Price". = Version 4.8.1 (2024-06-04) = * [+] New: Added Unlimited Redeemed Voucher Codes Tab. * [*] Fix: Updated dashboard widget to show total voucher amount. * [*] Fix: Fixed unlimited voucher usage limit. = Version 4.8.0 (2024-05-24) = * [+] New: Added Product ID and Product SKU fields on Voucher Export advanced CSV. * [+] New: Added Voucher Redeem Notification Email to recipients. = Version 4.7.9 (2024-05-17) = * [+] New: Added a bulk delete voucher feature without deleting orders. * [+] New: Added the Redeemable Price of Redeemed Voucher Codes to the Export Advance CSV. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with generating PDF vouchers when orders are created from the backend. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with admin users sending customer order emails and gift notification emails from the backend voucher page. = Version 4.7.8 (2024-04-26) = * [+] New: Added support to display YITH booking plugin information Booking Services in Voucher Pdf. = Version 4.7.7 (2024-04-17) = * [*] Fix: Fixed issue for PDF template selection at the product level. * [*] Fix: Fixed issue for the vendor logo not displaying when generating the PDF. * [*] Fix: Fixed issue for Template for past orders setting is not being saved at the product level. = Version 4.7.6 (2024-04-15) = * [*] Fix: Fixed the translation problem encountered with variable products. * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility problems with Loco Translate. * [*] Fix: Fixed voucher edit issue within the admin panel. * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility problems with YITH booking plugin. = Version 4.7.5 (2023-12-18) = * [*] Fix: TCPDF library updated. = Version 4.7.4 (2023-12-11) = * [+] New: Added setting for Recipient Custom Field at global level. * [+] New: Added popup containing a list of shortcodes into the voucher template. = Version 4.7.3 (2023-12-07) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of popup preview. = Version 4.7.2 (2023-11-27) = * [+] New: Added a support of Woo-Express Checkout. * [*] Fix: Fixed an Custom Font issue of compatibility with Multi Language Characters support Add-on. = Version 4.7.1 (2023-10-23) = * [+] New: Added a support of License manager panel on License activation page. = Version 4.6.3 (2023-08-11) = * [*] Fix: Optimzsed the plugin Code. = Version 4.6.2 (2023-08-10) = * [+] New: Added an option to allow changing voucher template for product with past orders. = Version 4.6.1 (2023-07-17) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher redeem price while redeeming multiple voucher codes on a voucher product. = Version 4.6.0 (2023-06-27) = * [+] New: Added feature of quick QR login for vendors. * [+] New: Added a feature of quick redemption upon scanning voucher QR code. = Version 4.5.0 (2023-06-21) = * [+] New: Added licensing validation to use the plugin. = Version 4.4.4 (2023-06-02) = * [+] Fix: Optimize the plugin code for WC coupon generation. * [+] Fix: Improved compatibility with Name Your Price plugin. = Version 4.4.3 (2023-04-27) = * [+] New: Removed custom automatic updater logic and added compatibility with Envato Market plugin for easy updates. = Version 4.4.2 (2023-11-04) = * [*] Fix: Fixed few warnings when debug mode is enabled. = Version 4.4.1 (2023-05-04) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of compatibility with Ultimate Builder Pro Add-on. = Version 4.4.0 (2023-24-03) = * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with WC Marketplace. * [*] Fix: Fixed order view URL for guest users in Purchased and Used voucher codes shortcode. = Version 4.3.14 (2022-17-10) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of Product Level Voucher Listing. = Version 4.3.13 (2022-17-08) = * [+] New: Improved compatibility with WCFM Frontend Manager plugin. = Version 4.3.12 (2022-19-05) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher download link not working. = Version 4.3.11 (2022-18-05) = * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with the latest woocommerce 6.5.1. = Version 4.3.10 (2022-04-02) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of sending voucher link if offline delivery method is enabled. = Version 4.3.9 (2022-12-01) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of background image is not displaying on PDF if user download pdf from email or frontend. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher usability one time only not working with product setting. = Version 4.3.8 (2021-29-11) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of coupon redemption history not reflecting on check voucher code page. * [*] Fix: Resolved issue of generating voucher codes in unlimited pattern when global Usability set to unlimited and one time only set in the product. = Version 4.3.7 (2021-23-11) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue of generating wrong pattern of the voucher codes. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of displaying wrong remining price while doing partial redemption. = Version 4.3.6 (2021-21-10) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of generating duplicate voucher codes. = Version 4.3.5 (2021-19-10) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of secondary vendor not able to see the Redeem button after scanning QR code. = Version 4.3.4 (2021-17-09) = *[+] New: Added a compatibility with PHP 8.0 = Version 4.3.3 (2021-15-09) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of redirection after scanning QR code. * [*] Fix: Improved compatibility with WCFM and WooCommerce Booking plugins. = Version 4.3.2 (2021-22-07) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of vouchers download while WPML is activated and active language is different than order language. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of sending wrong attachment in email while bulk order completion action used. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher can not download from thank you page. = Version 4.3.1 (2021-08-07) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of exporting advance CSV when product already deleted. = Version 4.3.0 (2021-06-25) = * [+] New: Added a feature to export advance CSV that will have each field separated. * [+] New: Added a feature on voucher details page to see the product name on which the voucher codes redeemed. = Version 4.2.13 (2021-05-31) = * [+] New: Added a feature to partially hide unredeemed voucher codes from the vendors. * [*] Fix: Optimized the plugin code as per codecanyon rules. = Version 4.2.12 (2021-04-20) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of expiry date confliction of voucher codes. = Version 4.2.11 (2021-04-14) = * [*] Fix: fixed an issue of assiging wrong expiry date for variable products. = Version 4.2.10 (2021-04-07) = * [+] New: Optimized the plugin code for not saving the meta if it's blank and also removed unnecessary meta from the DB. = Version 4.2.9 (2021-02-25) = * [*] Fix: Fixed issue of an image stretched on PDF template preview popup. * [*] Fix: Fixed the issue of wrong expiry date when voucher code generated in a sequence of simple product and variable product in one order. = Version 4.2.8 (2021-02-22) = * [+] New: Added a support of new addon import voucher codes. = Version 4.2.7 (2021-02-01) = * [*] Fix: Fixed issue of Custom CSS not applying on the PDF voucher templates. * [*] Fix: Fixed the issue of voucher coupon discount shows greater than cart total. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of multiple time redemption when order amount is less then coupon value. = Version 4.2.6 (2021-01-18) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue of gift email notifications not working with the latest WooCommerce 4.9.0. = Version 4.2.5 (2020-12-29) = * [*] Fix: Modified plugin Auto Updater request URL. = Version 4.2.4 (2020-12-23) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of product images shortcode not working for variable products. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of role activation on multisite. = Version 4.2.3 (2020-11-04) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of adding TAX on voucher price while using custom voucher price option. = Version 4.2.2 (2020-10-30) = * [*] Fix: Modified plugin Auto Updater request URL. = Version 4.2.1 (2020-10-13) = * [+] Add: Added a feature to apply delivery charges upon offline deliveries of the voucher. = Version 4.2.0 (2020-09-22) = * [+] Add: Improved a compatibility with Dokan and WCMP by adding a feature to reflect the redeemed amount in vendor's account who redeemed the voucher code. = Version 4.1.12 (2020-08-20) = * [*] Fix: Fixed warning issue on the check voucher code page. = Version 4.1.11 (2020-08-07) = * [+] Add: Added a feature to select admin user for sending customer order email and gift notification email. * [*] Fix: TCPDF library updated. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher redeem notification email showing send email id to other user. = Version 4.1.10 (2020-07-27) = * [*] Fix: Added missing TCPDF file. = Version 4.1.9 (2020-07-22) = * [*] Fix: Modified plugin Auto Updater request URL. = Version 4.1.8 (2020-07-15) = * [*] Fix: Improved compatibility with Dokan plugin. = Version 4.1.7 (2020-07-07) = * [*] Fix: Improved mobile responsive layout. * [*] Fix: Fix an issue of default option not selected for Usability while adding new product. = Version 4.1.6 (2020-06-19) = * [+] New: Removed the use of cookie from the plugin. = Version 4.1.5 (2020-06-17) = * [+] New: Added a feature to assign vendor automatically, if vendor adding a product. = Version 4.1.4 (2020-06-11) = * [*] Fix: Fixed the issue with downloading the voucher. = Version 4.1.3 (2020-06-10) = * [+] New: Improved compatibility with WPML. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher redeem notification email not sent if partial redeem not enabled. * [*] Fix: Fixed JS conflict issue with WC Marketplace plugin. = Version 4.1.2 (2020-06-01) = * [+] New: Added compatibility with YITH Booking and Appointment for WooCommerce plugin. = Version 4.1.1 (2020-05-22) = * [+] New: Added a frontend support with Dokan multi vendor plugin. * [+] New: Added option to display extra information on voucher details page with edit rights. * [+] New: Added Migration script code for update voucher start date for voucher which are generated based on purchased option. * [*] Fix: Fixed email attachment from other plugin not working on order refund. = Version 4.1.0 (2020-04-22) = * [+] New: Added option to allow redemption of purchased vouchers for guest users. * [+] New: Added option to set minimum and maximum spend amount for the coupon generated via voucher. * [+] New: Added compatibility with WC Marketplace plugin for frontend * [+] New: Improved compatibility with WC Vendor Pro plugin. * [*] Fix: Fixed issue of gift voucher date selection for variable products. = Version 4.0.0 (2020-04-09) = * [+] New: Added a feature to set voucher expiration type for each variation of the product. * [+] New: Added a feature to prevent customers to see voucher information for gift products. * [+] New: Added a compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized plugin. * [+] New: Added compatibility with WordPress 5.4 = Version 3.9.8 (2020-04-03) = * [+] New: Added a feature to set voucher code usage limit while unlimited redemption is enabled. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of changing expiry date from voucher details page. = Version 3.9.7 (2020-01-31) = * [*] Fix: Fixed missing file issue of TCPDF library. = Version 3.9.6 (2020-01-30) = * [*] Fix: Fixed minor issue from tcpdf libray. = Version 3.9.5 (2019-12-09) = * [*] Fix: Fixed warning error issue with the latest PHP. = Version 3.9.4 (2019-11-13) = * [*] Fix: Fixed internal block conflict of the voucher builder. = Version 3.9.3 (2019-10-22) = * [+] New: Added a feature to apply discount on cart subtotal while using voucher as a coupon. * [+] New: Added a support for Barcode type CODE 128b = Version 3.9.2 (2019-10-02) = * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with PHP version 7.3. * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with the WPML. = Version 3.9.1 (2019-08-09) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of insufficient balance warning during partial redemption. = Version 3.9.0 (2019-08-05) = * [+] New: Added an option to make voucher coupons valid for specific product categories. * [+] New: Added addons tab to display all available addons of the plugin. * [*] Fix: Fixed voucher amount goes to negative value when redeeming same voucher code in two browser tabs without refreshing page. = Version 3.8.16 (2019-07-24) = * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with Essential Grid plugin. = Version 3.8.15 (2019-07-20) = * [+] New: Added recipient phone field for gift vouchers. * [+] New: Added actions / filters to make plugin work with Reverse Redemption Addon. = Version 3.8.14 (2019-07-11) = * [*] Fix: Fixed compatibility issue with loco translator plugin. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of Redeemable price goes to minus if tax is enabled. = Version 3.8.13 (2019-06-25) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of automatic updates. = Version 3.8.12 (2019-06-07) = * [*] Fix: Fixed responsive design issue. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher download link not working. = Version 3.8.11 (2019-05-20) = * [*] Fix: Removed use of inline css from the plugin. = Version 3.8.10 (2019-05-17) = * [*] Fix: Changed Business Domain URL from wpweb.co.in to wpwebelite.com = Version 3.8.9 (2019-05-15) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue of displaying the wrong year of expiry date. = Version 3.8.8 (2019-05-03) = * [*] Fix: Optimized code by escaping static text and URLs. = Version 3.8.7 (2019-04-22) = * [*] Fix: Fixed voucher template language issues with WPML. = Version 3.8.6 (2019-03-29) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue of voucher redeem and resend email buttons not working. = Version 3.8.5 (2019-03-27) = * [*] Fix: Fixed JS conflict issue with voucher template builder. = Version 3.8.4 (2019-03-26) = * [*] Fix: Optimized code for WP Compliant badge. * [*] Fix: Updated TCPDF library to avoid conflict issues with third-party plugins. = Version 3.8.3 (2019-03-02) = * [+] New: Added option to view voucher template preview image in a popup. * [*] Fix: Resolved compatibility issue with WC currency switch plugin. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with resumed orders not showing voucher information in the backend order page. = Version 3.8.2 (2019-02-16) = * [*] Fix: Resolved error on checkout page when YITH Gift Card plugin activated. * [*] Fix: Resolved compatibility issue with WPML. = Version 3.8.1 (2019-02-05) = * [*] Fix: Modified plugin Auto Updater request URL. = Version 3.8.0 (2019-01-25) = * [+] New: Added compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin. * [+] New: Added compatibility with name your price plugin. * [*] Fix: Resolved compatibility issue with WPML. * [*] Fix: Resolved updater conflict issue third party plugin. = Version 3.7.13 (2019-01-11) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with voucher download link on thank you page for few themes. = Version 3.7.12 (2019-01-01) = * [*] Fix: Hide voucher data when order get cancelled/refunded. = Version 3.7.11 (2018-12-28) = * [+] New: Added compatibility with WooCommerce product bundles plugin. * [+] New: Added compatibility with Enhanced Media Library plugin. * [*] Fix: Optimized speed of edit product page. = Version 3.7.10 (2018-12-18) = * [+] New: Added an option to set vendor logo for voucher template preview. * [+] New: Modified shortcode {productimage} to display variation image for the variable products. * [*] Fix: Fixed voucher vendor role issue in multisite. = Version 3.7.9 (2018-12-11) = * [+] New: Added an option to allow secondary vendor users to redeem their own vouchers. * [+] New: Added a compatibility with WordPress 5.0 * [*] Fix: Resolved background image issue with custom pdf sizes. = Version 3.7.8 (2018-12-01) = * [*] Fix: Improved mobile responsive layout. * [*] Fix: Fixed duplicate content issues for Multi language support. * [*] Fix: Added new shortcodes support for {productshortdesc-digits}, {variationdesc-digits}, {productfulldesc-digits} = Version 3.7.7 (2018-11-27) = * [*] Fix: Fixed voucher preview image not appeared with background color. * [*] Fix: Fixed an error with Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce. = Version 3.7.6 (2018-11-19) = * [+] New: Added hooks in TCPDF to change default fonts of voucher. = Version 3.7.5 (2018-11-14) = * [+] New: Added support for voucher price shortcode in Gift notification emails. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with itheme security that cause htaccess file blank. = Version 3.7.4 (2018-11-03) = * [*] Fix: Changed logic of sending gift notification email to send email instantly whentoday's date is selected. * [*] Fix: Optimized code for purchased / used / expired voucher code logic on product edit page. * [*] Fix: Fixed gift notification email missing information issue while sending an email manually. = Version 3.7.3 (2018-10-29) = * [+] New: Added compatibility with Taxes. = Version 3.7.2 (2018-10-24) = * [*] Fix: Fixed error while exporting voucher codes, when order is deleted. = Version 3.7.1 (2018-10-06) = * [+] New: Added a setting for users to see their own purchased vouchers. = Version 3.7.0 (2018-09-29) = * [+] New: Added compatibility with WP rocket plugin. * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue with voucher codes access for logged in users. = Version 3.6.9 (2018-09-20) = * [+] New: Added a feature to Redeem Voucher Codes from voucher codes page. * [*] Fix: Resolved extra zero price voucher created when using type is unlimited. = Version 3.6.8 (2018-09-18) = * [+] New: Added an option show voucher preview in new tab. * [*] Fix: Fixed Preview PDF watermark image issue on Portrait mode. = Version 3.6.7 (2018-08-27) = * [*] Fix: Fixed an issue on vendor dashboard widget voucher counter. * [*] Fix: Fix an issue voucher is not get listed on my downloads page when order status is processing. = Version 3.6.5 (2018-07-31) = * [*] Fix: Allow TCPDF methods using HTML constant set to true for QRcode and Barcode. = Version 3.6.5 (2018-07-31) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with QRcode and Barcode in PDF. * [*] Fix: Resolved voucher download link issues for plain text Gift Notification email. = Version 3.6.4 (2018-07-25) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with WPML that voucher code not being generating for other language product. * [*] Fix: Resolved product image height issue in {productimage} shortcode. * [*] Fix: Resolved warning "illegal offset using type" on the order completed screen. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with partial redemption for vendor when "enable vendor to redeem all voucher codes" checked. = Version 3.6.3 (2018-07-18) = * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with unassigned vendor can redeem the voucher on check voucher page even the option is unchecked. * [*] Fix: Resolved iPad responsive issues for check voucher code page. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with an attachment doesn't sent to recipient while purchasing variable product. = Version 3.6.2 (2018-07-16) = * [+] New: Added option to enable 1 voucher per PDF at product level. = Version 3.6.1 (2018-06-30) = * [+] New: Added Recipient(s) to send emails for Gift Notification Email. * [+] New: Add support of shortcodes like vendor_first_name, vendor_last_name, recipient_name, recipient_email, order_date, vou_exp_date in vendor sale email notification. = Version 3.6.0 (2018-06-11) = * [*] Fix: Removed extra br from preview on single product page. = Version 3.5.9 (2018-06-01) = * [*] Fix: Fixed password protection issue with voucher template preview on product page. = Version 3.5.8 (2018-05-29) = * [+] New: Added option to Auto enable/disable coupon code generation at product level. = Version 3.5.7 (2018-05-23) = * [+] New: Added Preview feature for users to see how their gift voucher will look before placing the order. = Version 3.5.6 (2018-05-22) = * [*] Fix: PHP 7.1 warnings on product page. = Version 3.5.5 (2018-05-18) = * [+] New: Added PDF voucher password protection feature. * [+] New: Added an option to make voucher coupons valid for specific products. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with voucher attachment not being sent when order status is processing. = Version 3.5.4 (2018-05-09) = * [*] Fix: Improved code for adding additional Recipient field(s) such that new fields can be added easily with minimal coding. For more details check here: http://wpweb.co.in/documents/woocommerce-pdf-vouchers/recipient-fields-support/ = Version 3.5.3 (2018-04-27) = * [*] Fix: Improved logic to record mail sent for Gift Notification email. = Version 3.5.2 (2018-04-26) = * [*] Fix: Resolved issue related to recipient gift date validation when no min / max date is selected. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue of sending broken voucher download link while "Enable Voucher Code" is not checked at product level. = Version 3.5.1 (2018-04-21) = * [+] New: Set default date format of Recipient gift date MM/DD/YYYY on product page to avoid issues with Multi Language. * [+] New: Added support to change any date format of plugin managed from global Date Format setting. * [+] New: Added option to change Voucher Download Text. * [+] New: Added option to send Voucher as Attachment in completed / processing order email and gift notification email. * [+] New: Added option to show/hide voucher download link in completed order email, gift notification email and My Downloads Page. = Version 3.5.0 (2018-04-17) = * [+] New: Added Dashboard Widget for Pdf vouchers Status. * [+] New: Added note section on voucher code details page to allow admin / vendors to add voucher notes in purchased / used / unused voucher codes. * [+] New: Added voucher information and recipient information of purchased / used / unused voucher codes to Export CSV. * [+] New: Added custom CSS option in voucher template. * [+] New: Added option for Export PDF Title, Export PDF Author Name and Export PDF Creator Name. = Version 3.4.3 (2018-04-12) = * [*] Fix: Resolved JS issue with Yoast SEO plugin. = Version 3.4.2 (2018-04-09) = * [+] New: Added an option to allow admin / vendors to change a voucher template for purchased, used and expired vouchers. * [+] New: Added an option to allow recipient users to download PDF Vouchers directly from downloads page. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue with partial redemption, when voucher code redeemed fully. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue that allowing customers to edit voucher details. * [*] Fix: Resolved an issue that allowing redeem of vouchers to guest users. = Version 3.4.1 (2018-03-27) = * [*] Fix: Improved UI of delivery method to display it without need of any recipient fields. = Version 3.4.0 (2018-03-20) = * [+] New: Added option to allow end users to choose Delivery method while buying the product. * [+] New: Added option to send email to vendors when voucher gets redeemed. * [+] New: Added option to allow Logged-in users to redeem their own voucher codes. * [+] New: Added feature to allow admin to resend gift notification email. * [*] Fix: CSS issues with Storefront theme. = Version 3.3.4 (2018-02-17) = * [+] New: Added option to send email to customers when voucher gets redeemed. * [+] New: Added compatibility for Enfold theme. * [+] New: Added drag & drop interface to set the order of recipient fields on the front end. = Version 3.3.3 (2018-02-02) = * [+] Added feature to allow users to use same voucher code unlimited times. * [+] Added search functionality in Partial Redeem products pop-up. * [+] Added page to view all details of the purchase, used, expired voucher codes details on the frontend as well. * [+] Added option to select Barcode and QRCode type. * [+] Added option to set numeric value which will automatically get succeeded at the end of a voucher code. * [+] Added a shortcode [woo_vou_unused_voucher_codes] to allow vendors to access "Unused / Expired Voucher Codes" page on the frontend. = Version 3.3.2 (2018-01-17) = * [*] Resolved issue with translation of some strings on Check Voucher Code page. = Version 3.3.1 (2018-1-16) = * [+] Added page to view all details of purchased, used, expired voucher codes details and also ability to edit them from the same page. * [+] Added option to allow guest users and customers to access check voucher code page. * [+] Added option to send email to admin when voucher get redeemed. * [+] Added recipient information on check voucher code page. * [+] Added feature to set partial redeem vouchers for selected products. * [+] Added option to hide voucher template page from vendor login. * [+] Added option to hide voucher tab from add / edit product page for WC Vendors, WC MarketPlace Vendors and Dokan Vendors. * [*] Resolved some Edge browser design issues. = Version 3.3.0 (2017-12-08) = * [+] Added WordPress 4.9.1 Compatibility. * [+] Added support to display Billing city, Billing Address, Variation Description and Recipient Gift Date in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added support to display WooCommerce Booking plugin information like Booking Date, Booking Time and Booking Persons in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added System log file logic to provide while creating support ticket which will help our support team narrow down the issue much quicker. * [+] Merged Auto updating plugin logic in main plugin instead using separate plugin. * [*] Resolved issue with {variationname} short code. * [*] Resolved issue for Product expiry date for variable products. = Version 3.2.5 (2017-11-24) = * [+] Added setting for voucher expiration date at global level. = Version 3.2.4 (2017-11-16) = * [*] Fixed issue for downloads table in email. * [*] Replaced Use of ereg() function with preg_match() to avoid deprecated errors. = Version 3.2.3 (2017-10-31) = * [*] Displayed voucher expire date in order downloads table. = Version 3.2.2 (2017-10-18) = * [+] Added filter option of Purchase Date in "Purchased Voucher Codes" page. * [*] Resolved issues on check voucher code page when product is deleted. * [+] Added WooCommerce 3.2.1 Compatibility. = Version 3.2.1 (2017-10-02) = * [*] Resolved product id issue on "Voucher Codes" page. = Version 3.2.0 (2017-09-29) = * [*] Resolved out of stock issue for variable product when global Manage stock is Disabled. * [+] Added "Voucher Delivery" option. * [*] Resolved Deprecated error for WC_Order_Item_Meta. * [*] WPML compatibility - Resolved warning of undefined product id. = Version 3.1.9 (2017-08-29) = * [*] Resolved issue with decimal seperator for voucher price. = Version 3.1.8 (2017-08-14) = * [*] Removed coupon codes when order status become "refunded". * [*] Resolved issue for voucher price VAT exclusive. = Version 3.1.7 (2017-07-28) = * [*] Resolved compatibility issues with WPML. = Version 3.1.6 (2017-07-11) = * [*] Resolved issue with Date picker when Expiration Days set Custom. = Version 3.1.5 (2017-07-04) = * [*] Resolved issue with product prices when "Yes, I will enter prices inclusive of tax" option is checked in WC settings. = Version 3.1.4 (2017-06-23) = * [+] Added option to allow vendors to access all voucher codes. = Version 3.1.3 (2017-06-22) = * [+] Added validation for voucher codes when usability set as "One Time Only". = Version 3.1.2 (2017-06-19) = * [*] Optimized a lot of code. * [*] Fixed issue with variation name shortcode. = Version 3.1.1 (2017-06-13) = * [*] Resolved issue with voucher template post type on plugin activation. = Version 3.1.0 (2017-06-06) = * [*] Resolved deprecated warnings and notices. * [*] Fixed compatibility issue with qTranslate X plugin. = Version 3.0.9 (2017-06-02) = * [*] Fixed issue with saving order item meta. = Version 3.0.8 (2017-05-31) = * [+] Added support to set vendor address at variation level. * [*] Fixed issue with coupon code generation when purchasing a variable product. = Version 3.0.7 (2017-05-20) = * [*] Resolved issues with attachment and download link not working for variable products. * [*] Fixed compatibility issue with AVADA Theme. = Version 3.0.6 (2017-05-08) = * [*] Resolved Rest API Compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.0. = Version 3.0.5 (2017-04-29) = * [+] Added WPML 3.7.0 Compatibility. * [+] Added feature to send gift notification email at a specific time. * [*] Resolved issue with download file when purchasing multiple products in 1 order. = Version 3.0.4 (2017-04-21) = * [*] Resolved few design issues and backward compatibility issues. = Version 3.0.3 (2017-04-19) = * [+] Added backwards compatibility for WooCommerce versions < 3.0. = Version 3.0.2 (2017-04-11) = * [+] Added WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility. = Version 3.0.1 (2017-03-20) = * [*] Resolved translation issues by reducing files size. = Version 3.0.0 (2017-03-08) = * [+] Added option to set Recipient Form Position. * [+] Added support for product featured image to display in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added feature to set voucher value different from product regular/sale price. * [+] Added 1/3 column option for voucher templates. = Version 2.9.8 (2017-02-03) = * [+] Added a shortcode [woo_vou_purchased_voucher_codes] to allow vendors to access "Purchased Voucher Codes" page on frontend. = Version 2.9.7 (2017-01-31) = * [+] Added feature to send vendor sale notification emails to secondary vendors. * [+] Added feature to allow vendors to access "Voucher Templates" page to create their own voucher templates. = Version 2.9.6 (2017-01-04) = * [*] Resolved issue with redeem button not showing for vendor users. = Version 2.9.5 (2016-12-09) = * [+] Added support to display product title in Voucher Pdf. * [*] Resolved issue for coupon code generation when product is downloadable. = Version 2.9.4 (2016-12-05) = * [+] Added voucher code support to work with online store. * [*] Resolved issue of recipient gift date validation for DANSK(da_DK) language. * [*] Resolved JavaScript issue when [product_page] shortcode used. * [*] Resolved QR Code issue when previewing voucher template. = Version 2.9.3 (2016-11-22) = * [*] Restrict users from redeeming their voucher codes on front-end for security reasons. = Version 2.9.2 (2016-11-05) = * [+] Added support of fractional amount for partial redeem voucher code functionality. * [+] Added support of start date for coupon codes. * [+] Added support to restrict coupon codes to be used on selected days. = Version 2.9.1 (2016-10-13) = * [*] Resolved issue with product price on check voucher code page when prices are set as 'inclusive of tax'. * [*] Resolved attachment issue with gift notification email when gift date set as future date. = Version 2.9.0 (2016-08-12) = * [+] Added pdf voucher frontend support with WC Vendor Pro. * [+] Added product_quantity shortcode support in vendor sale email. * [+] Added support to display Vendor Email in Voucher Pdf. * [*] Resolved issue with voucher download link when stock management is disabled. * [*] Resolved issue of voucher download link with WPML plugin. * [*] Resolved issue of order status 'on-hold' when checkout by COD method. = Version 2.8.2 (2016-06-23) = * [+] Added WooCommerce 2.6 Compatibility. * [+] Added customer_name, shipping_address, shipping_postcode, shipping_city shortcodes support in vendor sale email. * [+] Added feature to send gift notification email on future dates instead of instantly. * [+] Added option for Enable PDF Preview. = Version 2.8.1 (2016-05-03) = * [+] Added support to work with qTranslate X plugin. * [+] Added support to work with WooCommerce Order SMS Notification. * [+] Added a shortcode [woo_vou_used_voucher_codes] to allow vendors to access "Used Voucher Codes" page on frontend. = Version 2.8.0 (2016-04-28) = * [+] Added option to restrict voucher codes to be used on selected days. * [+] Added Partial Redeem Voucher code functionality. * [+] Added option to added multiple secondary vendor users for products. = Version 2.7.1 (2016-04-01) = * [+] Added Templating for check voucher code using qr code page. = Version 2.7.0 (2016-03-14) = * [+] Added option to Auto Enable Voucher when product is set as Downloadable. = Version 2.6.9 (2016-03-05) = * [*] Improved support to work with WPML plugin. = Version 2.6.8 (2016-02-12) = * [+] Added support to display product full description and buyer phone number in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added option to send voucher order email and gift notification emails to admin. = Version 2.6.7 (2016-02-09) = * [+] Added option to allow redeem expired voucher codes. * [*] Resolved error "TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output" with few third party themes. = Version 2.6.6 (2016-01-22) = * [+] Added WooCommerce 2.5 Compatibility. = Version 2.6.5 (2016-01-18) = * [+] Added support to display product discount offered in Voucher Pdf. * [*] Resolved issue for product price in check voucher code page. = Version 2.6.4 (2016-01-01) = * [+] Added option to remove voucher download link, when voucher is used OR expired. * [+] Added filter option for Redeem By and Redeem Date in "Used Voucher Codes" page. = Version 2.6.3 (2015-12-15) = * [*] Removed flex slider to avoid conflict issues with different themes. * [*] Resolved issue with voucher code when usability set as unlimited and same product purchased with different recipient name. = Version 2.6.2 (2015-12-08) = * [+] Added support to display product regular price in Voucher Pdf. = Version 2.6.1 (2015-11-23) = * [*] Fixed issue of flex slider. = Version 2.6.0 (2015-11-20) = * [+] Added support to display only product variation in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added preview image option for voucher templates. * [+] Added option to allow end users to choose pdf template while buying the product. * [*] Make check voucher code page mobile responsive. = Version 2.5.4 (2015-10-30) = * [+] Added product start date / end date option for voucher products. = Version 2.5.3 (2015-10-20) = * [+] Added support to display product short description in Voucher Pdf. = Version 2.5.2 (2015-10-15) = * [*] Resolved Strict Standards errors with woocommerce version 2.4.7. = Version 2.5.1 (2015-10-07) = * [+] Added Redeem Time on "Used Voucher Codes" page. = Version 2.5.0 (2015-09-29) = * [+] Added width, height, color, enable border and return value options for QR Code and QR Codes shortcode. * [+] Added width, height, color, enable border options for Barcode and Barcodes shortcode. * [+] Added support to display product sku in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added support to set voucher templates at variation level. = Version 2.4.7 (2015-09-10) = * [+] Added support for the WooCommerce Pay your price plugin. * [+] Added support to display product quantity in Voucher Pdf. = Version 2.4.6 (2015-09-03) = * [+] Added more actions and filters. * [*] Resolved character support issues. * [*] Fixed design issues. = Version 2.4.5 (2015-08-21) = * [*] Fixed a bug with check voucher code page allowed to be accessed by subscribers. = Version 2.4.4 (2015-08-15) = * [+] Added WooCommerce 2.4 Compatibility. = Version 2.4.3 (2015-07-28) = * [+] Added option to set start date/time for voucher products. * [*] Restricted expired and upcoming voucher products from buying. * [*] Fixed a bug with voucher product out of stock logic when quantity of product is set to 1. = Version 2.4.2 (2015-07-22) = * [*] Fixed a bug with listing data in Purchased, Used and Unused voucher codes when login as vendor user. * [*] Fixed css issues on check Voucher code page when login as vendor user. = Version 2.4.1 (2015-07-18) = * [*] Restricted from buying voucher products which are already expired. = Version 2.4.0 (2015-07-06) = * [+] Added Unused/Expired Vouchers codes listing page. * [+] Added validation on "check voucher code page" to restrict redeem for expired voucher codes. * [*] Improved logic to reduce quantity of voucher code when order is pending or failed. = Version 2.3.7 (2015-06-24) = * [*] Fixed a bug with downloading voucher from frontend. * [*] Display Order Information and Buyer Information on "Purchased Voucher Codes" and "Used Voucher Codes" page. = Version 2.3.6 (2015-06-11) = * [*] Display Order Information and Buyer Information on "Check Voucher Code" page. = Version 2.3.5 (2015-05-30) = * [+] Added support to display payment method in Voucher Pdf. * [*] Changed logic to send vendor email notification when order is completed instead of when order created. = Version 2.3.4 (2015-05-16) = * [+] Added plugin upgrade safe method for translations. * [*] Optimized JS/css codes. * [*] Make use of woocommerce email templates for sending gift notification email and vendor sale notification email. = Version 2.3.3 (2015-05-01) = * [*] Removed vouchers codes from "purchased voucher codes" section when order status become "refunded". = Version 2.3.2 (2015-04-21) = * [+] Added support to work auto update plugin feature with multisite. = Version 2.3.1 (2015-04-16) = * [+] Added voucher file downloads link on my account page. * [+] Added auto update plugin feature. = Version 2.3.0 (2015-04-01) = * [+] Added recipient information on all pages like "Thank You" page, order emails,order admin, etc. * [*] Optimized a lot of code and add more actions/filters. * [*] Allowed to buy same product with different recipient name or email when product set as "Sold Individually". = Version 2.2.1 (2015-03-20) = * [+] Added option to enable/disable vendor sale email notification. * [+] Added support to generate pdf voucher when order created from the backend. * [+] Added Buyer's information for Purchased and Used Voucher codes report pages. * [*] Fixed a bug with QRcode/Barcode not working in email attachment. = Version 2.2.0 (2015-03-13) = * [+] Added support for the WooCommerce Bookings plugin. * [*] Fixed a bug with voucher codes not saved for variations. * [*] Improved WP List Table logic for Purchased and Used voucher codes module. = Version 2.1.2 (2015-03-02) = * [*] Bug fix for Qrcode / Barcode not working with updated tcpdf library. = Version 2.1.1 (2015-02-23) = * [*] Added QR Code Scanner Functionality - When scanning a QR Code you are taken to a mobile friendly page to view product details. * [*] Changed vendor role title to "Voucher Vendor". = Version 2.1.0 (2015-02-19) = * [*] Updated TCPDF library. = Version 2.0.4 (2015-02-16) = * [*] Resolved some warnings of template builder. * [+] Added custom css option. * [*] Requires woocommerce version 2.3.3 or later. = Version 2.0.3 (2015-02-04) = * [*] Bug fix for not allowing to add 2 products in cart when Enable Recipient Name is checked. * [+] Added option to change Email attached pdf file name. = Version 2.0.2 (2015-01-26) = * [*] Removed logic for restore voucher codes back to product meta when order status become "failed". * [*] Bug fix for restore voucher codes back to product meta when order status become "cancelled" for variable products. = Version 2.0.1 (2015-01-13) = * [*] Fixed a bug with attachment in email when product is not downloadable. * [+] Added 1 more QR code shortcode to generate 1 QR code for multiple voucher codes. = Version 2.0 (2015-01-07) = * [+] Added Voucher Recipient Name, Message, Email input field and Email action. * [+] Added Configurable field label for Recipient Name, Recipient Email and Message to Recipient. * [+] Added support for Bar code display on voucher pdf. * [+] Added option to configure bottom margin for voucher pdf. * [+] Added more size options (A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8) for voucher pdf. * [+] Added option to send voucher Pdf as attachment in mail. * [+] Added HTML email support for vendor's email. * [*] Fixed a bug that caused voucher settings to be lost when saving a draft. * [*] Fixed major bug with characters in Greek alphabet not displaying properly. = Version 1.7 (2014-12-04) = * [*] Restored vouchers codes back to product meta when order status become "failed" or "cancelled". * [+] Added support to display price based on Taxes settings when Taxes module enabled. * [+] Added support to display product name with variations in downloaded pdf and in vendor's email for variable products. = Version 1.6.1 (2014-11-12) = * [+] Added support to display product price in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added support to display product price in Vendor's sale notification email. = Version 1.6 (2014-10-18) = * [+] Added support to set voucher codes at variation level. * [+] Added support for QR code display on voucher pdf. * [+] Added support to display voucher codes directly in email. * [*] Prevent to select past dates for Expire date picker. * [*] Fixed a bug for displaying used voucher codes in purchased voucher codes section. * [*] Fixed a bug how the text domain is loaded. = Version 1.5.1 (2014-09-26) = * [*] Prevent voucher codes from displaying on the front-end. = Version 1.5 (2014-09-17) = * [+] Added support to work with WC Vendors plugin. * [+] Ability to set vendor's logo, website URL, locations etc at vendor level. * [*] Resolved popup design issue with wordpress version 4.0. = Version 1.4.1 (2014-08-23) = * [+] Added action to delete all used and purchased vouchers codes when order is deleted. = Version 1.4 (2014-07-30) = * [+] Added support for using vouchers with variable products. = Version 1.3.1 (2014-07-17) = * [+] Added support for product name to display in Voucher Pdf. * [+] Added support to use voucher code shortcode in custom block. = Version 1.3 (2014-07-07) = * [*] Make Used and Purchased voucher codes report pages more user friendly. * [*] Bug fix for purchased voucher codes logic. = Version 1.2.1 (2014-07-02) = * [+] Added option to set expire date based on voucher purchased date. * [*] Bug fix for voucher download link disappear after voucher stock is empty. = Version 1.2 (2014-06-23) = * [*] Added support for Buyers Name, Buyers Email and Order Id to display in Voucher Pdf. * [*] Added a option to generate 1 voucher code per pdf. * [*] Bug fix to store voucher data in order meta when order placed. = Version 1.1.2 (2014-04-28) = * [*] Resolved voucher builder editor bug created with WordPress version 3.9. * [*] Resolved chosen CSS issue with Chrome. = Version 1.1.1 (2014-04-23) = * [+] Added a shortcode [woo_vou_check_code] to allow vendors to access "check voucher code" page on frontend. = Version 1.1 (2014-04-19) = * [+] Added vendor role and allowed assignment of vendors to products. * [+] Added option to send emails to vendor when their voucher code purchased. * [*] Added a Check Voucher page, where vendor / admin can check if voucher code is valid or not and mark it as "Redeemed" if voucher code is valid. = version 1.0 (2014-04-09) = * [+] Initial Release