Marketing is omnipresent at every step these days - it’s one of the most famous career paths and businesses get nowhere without their marketing teams and efficient marketing strategies
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As a result, starting an eCommerce business can be a great idea if you are looking for a way to earn extra income. As a matter of fact, setting up an eCommerce store to sell products is now easier than ever before, with the help of WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento.
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Using our Bravo – WooCommerce Points and Rewards extension you can set how many reward points you want to set for a specific amount of purchases. You can set this threshold reward point per purchase as per your convenience i.e. for per product, category or globally. It gives you control over the reward point/loyalty point management using […]
As someone who owns a business, you’ll be aware that social media marketing is an enriching tool to reach potential customers and help grow your brand. However, with so many platforms out there, it can be tough to know where to start.
In India, Gift cards are in a craze right now. Also, in the USA, they are the second-best thing to gift people, and according to the Australian market, the estimated Gift card market is between 1.5 billion to 2.5 billion annually.
According to the marketing principle, it is believed that retaining previous customers is much more difficult than acquiring a new one. Thus, it becomes necessary to keep your customers obsessed with your brand for future purchases.